Monday, March 30, 2009

Just a couple things...

It's been one year since we brought Scout home. He's such a sweet dog. Check out more picture of him here and here.
I was just over checking out the oliver+ s blog. She's been talking about the "cost" of sewing clothes. Our moms and grandmas made their own clothes to save money. Now-a-days clothing is so cheap to buy, so why sew your own? Check out this post, and this post, for some good answers!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I Love my Library!

Even though my library is teeny tiny, I can get my hands on just about any book I want through their inter-library loan system! I just place a hold on any book, in any Michigan library, and when it is available it is sent to me.
I have read many, many, many craft, and sewing books this way, for free! Here are three books I am waiting on right now!!
The first, Weekend Sewing, by Heather Ross, I can not wait to get my hands on! It is full of great pieces to sew and wear, on the weekend!

The second, Sewing Green, is from Betz White, her book features felted sweaters, and other recycled material sewn into useful, beautiful things.
And the final book is from the lovely Mary Englebreit. It's titled Sew, So Cute! . She also has a new line of fabric out for Moda.
So, any day now, any one of these books will be waiting for me down at the little Henika District Library. I think the anticipation might be half the fun!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

little bo peep bag

I made this little bag a few years ago. It's just big enough to hold a diaper, and a small case of wipes. Just right for church.
The embroidery patterns came from here.
I took my sewing machine in for it's one year check-up, so it might be a while before I get to sew anything new.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

strawberry sunshine

Summer clothes for Evie. I plan on shortening the pants to capri length.
I used Simplicity 2913.