Monday, June 23, 2008


My name is Roseanne. I have two boys, a girl, and a little corner I sew in.
This is the start of my blog. A record of my life, and how sewing fits into it.
I want to record what I've made, who it was for, and where the ideas came from.
I like to read craft and sewing books. I check them out from the little library in town, and I get alot of them. I'd like to do "book reports" on them, and show projects I've made, or would like to make.
One more thing I'd like to do is show off the things I find at the garage sales and junk stores I stop at. The picture here is of my girl in a little vintage apron I got at a garage sale this weekend for 50 cents.
I love to read other peoples blogs, and finally descided to try my own. I'm excited to be starting a record about this part of my life!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Hey there! I just came across the email you sent about your blog. What an awesome idea!!! You do know that this could be the start of your craft business..... And speaking of grage sales, we'll have to hit a few this fall when we are down a few kids. I'll be chatting with you very soon!